Elisabetta Zavoli
elisabetta zavoli
elisabetta zavoli
elisabetta zavoli
Elisabetta Zavoli
. All rights reserved.
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Mare print magazine n° 168 February/March 2025 - https://www.mare.de/die-blaue-plage-content-6292
Mare print magazine n° 168 February/March 2025 - https://www.mare.de/die-blaue-plage-content-6292
Mare print magazine n° 168 February/March 2025 - https://www.mare.de/die-blaue-plage-content-6292
Mare print magazine n° 168 February/March 2025 - https://www.mare.de/die-blaue-plage-content-6292
Mare print magazine n° 168 February/March 2025 - https://www.mare.de/die-blaue-plage-content-6292
Mare print magazine n° 168 February/March 2025 - https://www.mare.de/die-blaue-plage-content-6292
https://ilfotografo.it Settembre 2024
https://ilfotografo.it Settembre 2024
https://ilfotografo.it Settembre 2024
https://ilfotografo.it Settembre 2024
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/from-caves-to-coral-reefs-the-science-lab-takes-on-new-meaning-02g8mqsz7 https://archive.is/KDcjy
Il Giornale di Vicenza 11/12/2023
Le Scienze, n°66, dicembre 2023 https://www.lescienze.it/archivio/articoli/2023/11/28/news/minie_raee_in_italia-14275383/
Corriere di Romagna, 15 novembre 2023
Homepage, May 2023. https://fotofemmeunited.com/
Photo from my participatory project "And in darkness you find colors" published on Die Zeit - Animal column
Publication on Famiglia Cristiana n.24 of 05/06/2022
Publication on Famiglia Cristiana n.24 of 05/06/2022
https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2022/04/21/news/ucraina_foto_del_giorno-346348381/?ref=RHTP-BH-I342629561-P4-S2-F&fbclid=IwAR3oQtzd-H1mgRBHVJMsOD8joTbepqiLmXjSt_4jM-IqoQYSEhVkjgcLPAg https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/elisabetta-zavoli?assettype=image&editorialproducts=news&agreements=&events=775802657&family=editorial&phrase=elisabetta%20zavoli&sort=best&fbclid=IwAR09X8I-6Mqm-sWIEjjvauqKqeNxuFugnQOYrlUsbslDyhM44E-X0ckTxD8
My portrait of marine biologist Laura Aiudi published in "Where I work" column on Nature - The Journal, April 7th, 2022 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00930-w
My video story on the Soundscape project has been published on Internazionale on March 16th, 2022. https://www.internazionale.it/video/2022/03/16/rumori-vita-sottomarina
https://elpais.com/planeta-futuro/2022-02-26/el-adriatico-norte-un-hogar-demasiado-ruidoso-para-el-delfin-nariz-de-botella.html https://elpais.com/elpais/2022/01/27/album/1643285986_633225.html#foto_gal_4
Article on my exhibition at Foto Wien 9-27 March 2022 (https://www.fotowien.at/de/), published on Schaufenster on 18th February 2022. The exhibition will showcase some of the works done during 2020's lockdowns byphotographers all over the world joining The Journal (https://the-journal.org).
Article on my exhibition at Foto Wien 9-27 March 2022 (https://www.fotowien.at/de/), published on Schaufenster on 18th February 2022. The exhibition will showcase some of the works done during 2020's lockdowns byphotographers all over the world joining The Journal (https://the-journal.org).
https://www.corriereromagna.it/la-fotografa-riminese-elisabetta-zavoli-in-mostra-a-modena/?fbclid=IwAR2gOIUn8YIi4zSrHATES-gqyi_PtSjSU8V3EvX1atl_axR2tKqgc_wKuyQ https://www.artislineblog.com/farfalle-di-velluto-negli-scatti-di-zavoli-in-mostra-alla-poletti/?fbclid=IwAR3X4Sr7LK3GXFFPiq9yOLYSWTlWgPiFfySarlekdiBM7gdFFRZXASFmOb4
Some photos I shot to artists Marguerite Kahrl and Emanuele Marullo while in residency in Torri Superiore eco-village in Ventimiglia (IM), Italy, have been published in the artistic project book "Tell_US" in November 2021.
Some photos I shot to artists Marguerite Kahrl and Emanuele Marullo while in residency in Torri Superiore eco-village in Ventimiglia (IM), Italy, have been published in the artistic project book "Tell_US" in November 2021.
Some photos I shot to artists Marguerite Kahrl and Emanuele Marullo while in residency in Torri Superiore eco-village in Ventimiglia (IM), Italy, have been published in the artistic project book "Tell_US" in November 2021.
Some photos I shot to artists Marguerite Kahrl and Emanuele Marullo while in residency in Torri Superiore eco-village in Ventimiglia (IM), Italy, have been published in the artistic project book "Tell_US" in November 2021.
Some photos I shot to artists Marguerite Kahrl and Emanuele Marullo while in residency in Torri Superiore eco-village in Ventimiglia (IM), Italy, have been published in the artistic project book "Tell_US" in November 2021.
Some photos I shot to artists Marguerite Kahrl and Emanuele Marullo while in residency in Torri Superiore eco-village in Ventimiglia (IM), Italy, have been published in the artistic project book "Tell_US" in November 2021.
Chinese Philanthropist, December 2021. http://www.inewsweek.cn
Chinese Philanthropist, December 2021. http://www.inewsweek.cn
Chinese Philanthropist, December 2021. http://www.inewsweek.cn
Chinese Philanthropist, December 2021. http://www.inewsweek.cn
Chinese Philanthropist, December 2021. http://www.inewsweek.cn
Chinese Philanthropist, December 2021. http://www.inewsweek.cn
My pictures of "mother trees" on Vanity Fair Italy, n. 42, 20th October 2021
My pictures of "mother trees" on Vanity Fair Italy, n. 42, 20th October 2021
My pictures of "mother trees" on Vanity Fair Italy, n. 42, 20th October 2021
My portrait of Simone Uggetti for The New York Times on 27th July 2021 in Lodi, Italy. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/29/world/europe/29Italy-Justice-judicial-reform.html
Publication of Dante's Museum images on Famiglia Cristiana n°29/2021
Publication of Dante's Museum images on Famiglia Cristiana n°29/2021
Publication of Dante's Museum images on Famiglia Cristiana n°29/2021
Internazionale - Portfolio, n°1417, 9-15 luglio 2021
Publication on Nature on 4th March 2021
My portrait of Italian violinist Sara Michieletto. https://blogs.agu.org/sciencecommunication/2020/11/20/agurocks-the-enchantment-of-small-things/
https://www.finestresullarte.info/opinioni/come-la-pandemia-sta-cambiando-la-fotografia?fbclid=IwAR047sHhWJgcpWlEMXj8BccOa6k-4HaHb9pdcBAzXetjQ_mkN0UqHqjrvP8 https://paratissima.it/x/elisabetta-zavoli-_and-darkness-you-find-colors/
Landscape photography for the feature article on a new project of a wind farm off the coast in front of Rimini, in the Adriatic Sea. Italy https://www.radarmagazine.net/index.php/2020/10/09/se-il-paesaggio-marino-cambia/
Portraits of Professor David Monacchi, shot for Radar Magazine, Issue#1 https://www.radarmagazine.net/index.php/2020/09/23/il-rumore-dellestinzione/
Publication of two portraits of painter Filippo Manfroni on Rimini IN Magazine, July/August 2020 print edition. https://www.inmagazine.it/rimini-in-2-2020/
Publication of two portraits of painter Filippo Manfroni on Rimini IN Magazine, July/August 2020 print edition. https://www.inmagazine.it/rimini-in-2-2020/
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08h0qhr https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-53054161/coronavirus-my-beach-will-survive-says-italian-grandad https://twitter.com/bbcworldservice/status/1272803554512842753?s=20 https://www.facebook.com/bbcworldservice/videos/vb.163571453661989/264137428017314/?type=2&theater
https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-52361005/coronavirus-children-with-autism-allowed-to-play-in-italian-park# https://www.facebook.com/163571453661989/posts/3250240908328346/?vh=e&d=n
Tratto da "Altreconomia" n° 225 — Aprile 2020 https://altreconomia.it/artists-for-plants-arte-ecologia-affettiva/?fbclid=IwAR0gkRAx8RxIbtnky83I9j-RqAIgfLlwaAvRpW7sMtnmyINkFS0CNnIZeAg
Tratto da "Altreconomia" n° 225 — Aprile 2020 https://altreconomia.it/artists-for-plants-arte-ecologia-affettiva/?fbclid=IwAR0gkRAx8RxIbtnky83I9j-RqAIgfLlwaAvRpW7sMtnmyINkFS0CNnIZeAg
Tratto da "Altreconomia" n° 225 — Aprile 2020 https://altreconomia.it/artists-for-plants-arte-ecologia-affettiva/?fbclid=IwAR0gkRAx8RxIbtnky83I9j-RqAIgfLlwaAvRpW7sMtnmyINkFS0CNnIZeAg
Cover photo on the front page of Italian newspaper La Nuova Venezia, 11th November 2019. "Swiss-American artist Anne-Katrin Spiess enacts “Death by Plastic” in Venice on November 7, 2019. Sailing Venice’s canals on a gondola, her body resting in a transparent Plexiglas coffin, she lays covered by single use plastics found in the Venice Laguna. The bottles, boxes, bags, fishing nets etc. found in the Laguna contribute to a pollution rate that is five times higher than in the remainder of the Adriatic Sea. She is planning to take the performance to different places around the world in order to draw attention to the excessive use of plastic in our society and to encourage product designers, packaging designers and manufacturers of all products to develop new and less detrimental types of packaging."
Few words I've written about my series on waria elderly people exhibited at Jakarta International Photo Festival 2019: "How many times do we feel angry and frustrated for something that doesn’t turn out just the way we want it to be? Falling in love and never being able to fully live that love, doing a job that is far below one's ability, feeling too fat or too thin or too tall or too short, etc. They taught me the great value of ‘accepting’ oneself and the life which is given. This is the first step to accept the others, no matter how different from us they could be.” Everybody has the right to be who he/she might feel to be. Everybody is right the way he/she is born. In a word, acceptance."
https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/human-dignity-lives-trashscape#12 https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/2019-4-july-august/photo/what-its-living-landfill
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zxqt April 9th 2019
"The landfill midwife" story on One World Magazine, March 2019. https://www.oneworld.nl/fotoreportage/leven-op-de-grote-hoop/
"The landfill midwife" story on One World Magazine, March 2019. https://www.oneworld.nl/fotoreportage/leven-op-de-grote-hoop/
"The landfill midwife" story on One World Magazine, March 2019. https://www.oneworld.nl/fotoreportage/leven-op-de-grote-hoop/
Vanity Fair Italia, 14th November 2018
Vanity Fair Italia, 14th November 2018
Vanity Fair Italia, 14th November 2018
Vanity Fair Italia, 14th November 2018
Portrait of Mrs. Engel Tanzil, founder and owner of Dia.lo.gue Artspace on November issue of South East Asia Globe. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2018.
Portrait of Mrs. Engel Tanzil, founder and owner of Dia.lo.gue Artspace on November issue of South East Asia Globe. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2018.
Publication of the story "The landfill midwife" on WOZ Die Wochenzeitung, Nr.44, 1 November 2018 https://www.woz.ch/1844/indonesien/die-hebamme-vom-muellgebirge
Publication on Huffpost US, 23rd October 2018 https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/plastic-trash-pollution-landfill_us_5b9fcc13e4b013b0977d47ce
Publication of a feature article of the Indonesian National Soccer Team of Street Children going to play the Street Child Worlf Cup in Moscow 2018. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-5619891/Street-Indonesia-slum-kids-eye-youth-World-Cup.html?fbclid=IwAR10HCZDJtnz6OHJnXBumpNldvOTBIQWmQXQFLa_1nsEsUj-sPLQFokZfXA
Publication of 11th October 2018 https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/08/23/planeta_futuro/1535031807_888581.html
ECC exhibition in Glasgow (UK) http://streetlevelphotoworks.org/event/everydayclimatechange
Solo Exhibition "L'oro del diavolo" at Semplicemente Fotografare Live 2018, 5th Edition. From 21st September to 30th September at Palazzo del Comune, Novafeltria, Rimini, Italy.
Collective Exhibition "EverydayClimateChange" at Museo di Storia Naturale, Verona, Italy. From 5th October 2018 to 13th January 2019.
Portrait of Mrs. Dini Ariyani Criddle, founder and owner of Tanamera Coffee on October issue of South East Asia Globe. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2018.
Portrait of Mrs. Dini Ariyani Criddle, founder and owner of Tanamera Coffee on October issue of South East Asia Globe. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2018.
Publication on One World Magazine number 05/2018, May 2018.
Publication on One World Magazine number 05/2018, May 2018.
Publication on One World Magazine number 05/2018, May 2018.
Publication on One World Magazine number 05/2018, May 2018.
Publication on One World Magazine number 05/2018, May 2018.
Publication on One World Magazine number 05/2018, May 2018.
Collective Exhibition with EverydayClimateChange, 14th June-25th July 2018 at La Coruna, Spain. https://www.acampa.eu/en/events-list/
https://holistic.news/society/soaring-bill-for-a-fistful-of-shrimp,1117.html#top https://holistic.news/multimedia-1/video/underwater-world,1152.html#top
Portrait of Darius Cheung, CEO of 99.co.id on the May Issue of South East Asia Globe. http://sea-globe.com/singapore-property-market/
Portrait of Darius Cheung, CEO of 99.co.id on the May Issue of South East Asia Globe. http://sea-globe.com/singapore-property-market/
Photo assignment for an investigation on how automation in garment factories is starting to pose a risk at millions of women working in this sector. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/automation-clothing-garment-industry_us_5af392bee4b0859d11d02658#
Altreconomia n°177, 12/2015
My article and pictures, on November issue of "Altreconomia" Italian monthly magazine, about sustainable aquaculture in Italy, funded by Journalism Grants.
My article and pictures, on November issue of "Altreconomia" Italian monthly magazine, about sustainable aquaculture in Italy, funded by Journalism Grants.
My article and pictures, on November issue of "Altreconomia" Italian monthly magazine, about sustainable aquaculture in Italy, funded by Journalism Grants.
My article and pictures, on November issue of "Altreconomia" Italian monthly magazine, about sustainable aquaculture in Italy, funded by Journalism Grants.
My portrait of Sara Michieletto, first violin of "La Fenice" Orchestra, Venice, Italy, on November issue of "Altreconomia", Italian monthly magazine.
Solo photo exhibition "The tree of life" at Italian Institute of Culture, Jakarta. Opening on the 8th December 2016 extended until 10th April 2017. http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/02/21/mangrove-preservation-in-images.html
Portrait of Prof. Dr. Eka Wahjoepramono, renown Indonesian surgeon, published on the March issue of South East Asia Globe.
Scientific lecture "Mangroves ecosystems in Indonesia: a strategic resource for a local sustainable economy and adaptation to climate change" at Italian Institute of Culture, Jakarta
My photograph (pictured) has been installed by Dysturb team on the corner of Albion street, Sydney Road, Brunswick, Melbourne. The caption of this photograph reads: #Depok, #Jakarta, #Indonesia. January 22, 2013. Mami Yulie, 56, leader of the #Indonesian #transgender community (locally known as #Waria) sleeps with her companion, Agus, 38, in her house which she turned into a shelter for elderly Waria without means of living. Mami Yulie tells about her relationship with Agus, her companion: "We can accept each other strengths and weaknesses. He respects me and I respect him. This is what made our relationship lasts for more than 16 years until now. His care and attention make me believe that I am not alone. That there is always someone there for me. We can be together this long because he is willing to understand my life and I am willing to understand his." https://www.instagram.com/p/BbGKZhljKRQ/
Publication on "Internazionale" n. 1213, year 24, 14-22 July 2017
18 May 2017-Publication of the interactive webdoc "A fistful of shrimps" on La Repubblica, in Italian language, about the deforestation of mangroves ecosystems because of the raising of shrimps farming driven by the western hunger of cheap tropical shrimps. http://static.repubblica.it/repubblica/ambiente/mangrovie-rischio-gamberetti/?ref=RHPF-VA-I0-C6-P5-S1.6-T1
Publication of the interactive webdoc "A fistful of shrimps" on El Pais, in Spanish language, about the deforestation of mangroves ecosystems because of the raising of shrimps farming driven by the western hunger of cheap tropical shrimps. http://elpais.com/especiales/2017/planeta-futuro/manglares-en-el-tropico/?por=mosaico
Altreconomia n°177, 12/2015
Altreconomia n°177, 12/2015
Altreconomia n°177, 12/2015
During the scientific lecture about mercury pollution from ASGM in Indonesia, my short multimedia documentary "Devil's Gold" has been shown to the public. September, 7th 2015
My work about the shelter house for elderly transgender in Jakarta shown at Festival Douarnenez - France from 22-30 August 2014 http://www.festival-douarnenez.com/fr/edition/2014/dissidences-trans-intersex/
http://www.dw.de/gold-fever-in-lombok/g-17717722 02/07/2014 - Deutsche Welle (Germany)
http://www.dw.de/gold-fever-in-lombok/g-17717722 02/07/2014 - Deutsche Welle (Germany)
http://www.dw.de/gold-fever-in-lombok/g-17717722 02/07/2014 - Deutsche Welle (Germany)
http://www.dw.de/gold-fever-in-lombok/g-17717722 02/07/2014 - Deutsche Welle (Germany)
http://www.dw.de/gold-fever-in-lombok/g-17717722 02/07/2014 - Deutsche Welle (Germany)
http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/11/25/a-violin-venice-pondok-gede.html published on The Jakarta Post on 25th November 2013
My publication on "Next City" Magazine (US) about Jakarta's sinking. 19 September 2013 http://nextcity.org/infrastructure/entry/photos-jakarta-the-sinking-megacity a Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia.
Assignment for Financial Times - Dr. Erhard Bauer, Head of German Red Cross in Indonesia - Jakarta, 08/03/2013 http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/616d7856-819d-11e2-ae78-00144feabdc0.html
08 October 2012 - Board of directors of PT. Stainless Steel Primavalve Majubersama on WirtschaftsWoche (Germany) http://www.wiwo.de/politik/konjunktur/aufstrebende-absatzmaerkte-indonesien-ist-sexy-fuer-investoren-seite-all/7245248-all.html
my work on "victims from road accidents" in Italy on No. 38-October 2012
my work on "victims from road accidents" in Italy on No. 38-October 2012
Nusreta Pestek is a 48 years old woman from Sarajevo. She lost her husband on 1993 during the siege of Sarajevo so she remained alone with two children: one daughter of 4 years and one son of 11 months. During the siege, they have endured starvation and cold but they managed to be alive. Now she volunteers at the association "Education builds Bosnia" founded by General Jovan Divjak. She receives, from the State, a monthly pension of 500 Bosnian marks (about 250 euro) as a victim of war. She is a self-taught in painting but during the last three years, she made a lot of oils portraying glimpses of the old Sarajevo that she sold to people from Sarajevo now living in diaspora. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012. http://www.privatephotoreview.com/photoessays-online/elisabetta-zavoli-the-phoenixes-of-bosnia/
On "Famiglia Cristiana" website, my work on road victims in Italy (June 2012). http://www.famigliacristiana.it/informazione/i-grandi-servizi/fotogallery/vittime-strada.aspx
#10, April, 2012. http://www.supermassiveblackholemag.com/
#10, April, 2012. http://www.supermassiveblackholemag.com/
#10, April, 2012. http://www.supermassiveblackholemag.com/
Tomatoes, according to organic farming, grown by cooperative "Terre di Puglia" on a confiscated land. The land belonged to members of the Sacra Corona Unita. The workers are all employed under regular employment contracts and a part of them belongs to disadvantaged social groups as ex-prisoners and immigrants. Mesagne, Brindisi, Puglia. Italy 2011. http://www.voicesfromitalymag.com/2012/03/ragioni-per-restare-2/
Il Reportage, numero 9, gennaio-marzo 2012.
Il Reportage, numero 9, gennaio-marzo 2012.
Il Reportage, numero 9, gennaio-marzo 2012.
Il Reportage, numero 9, gennaio-marzo 2012.
RAEE su Terre di Mezzo di giugno 2011
RAEE su Terre di Mezzo di giugno 2011
http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/africa/algerias-young-poor-sing-of-a-better-life-in-europe On assignment for The National - Abu Dhabi - 10 may 2011
"Il Reportage" numero 6, aprile-giugno 2011.
"Il Reportage" numero 6, aprile-giugno 2011.
"Il Reportage" numero 6, aprile-giugno 2011.
Witness Journal 7 aprile 2011 (mia la copertina e il servizio sulla boxe africana) http://witness.fotoup.net/wj/?issue=39
E-Il Mensile 6 aprile 2011